The GOOGLE DRIVE folder with the music / videos from the Wave and Bucks game has been updated!
Here's tonights video and our notes!
Great job everyone!! The video looks really good. Here are some notes from me & Celeste:
When you’re running on, make sure that your hands don’t cover your face when you wave + don’t look at the ground (except for briefly if you’re trying to figure out where your spot is!)
Hit your spots right away
Alexis - put your hands all the way down on the claps after the slide so you match everyone else (0:20)
Kristina, Alexis, Emma watch the diagonal after the slide - I think if you scoot in a little Emma it will fix it!
Don’t touch your hair or adjust your clothing while dancing.
Scarlett, Mira, Juliana + Ella - when you come off after the beginning RUN off!
Amelia - in the pinwheel (0:38) you’re too far away from everyone else - you should be opposite of Abby. You should barely move during the 7s to form the pinwheel.
Don’t drift on the circle, really hold the center!
LIFT during the whole dance - if you need someone to reference, watch Emeleeta!
During the death drop - Kay / Logan + Emma / Cara move out more so that there are bigger spaces between the three vertical lines on your side. (1:06)
After the death drop you can walk with the claps - it looks good in the video.
Make sure the claps are above your head, elbows away from they body. Make them big and sharp!
Before the snowflake - don’t turn your body or move your head on the crossing 7s (1:23)
In the snowflake - Abby stay behind Maura and leave a little more room between you (1:31)
Amelia don’t forget the kick (1:44)
Put your feet in first position in the U (1:49)
Logan - don’t let Emleeta pass you on the solo step! (1:55)
Alexis - I am SO impressed you got that far on the solo step but you can take it in a little and walk to the spots after the solo step so you don’t have to stretch the step out as much! (1:58)
Abby - move out a little bit during the solo part (2:06), for the same part Sam move in a little!
Hit 1 for the ending (2:19) - for the end Brielle you are between Abby and Scarlett in the backline, CC you are dead center in the backline, Tabby you are between Sam and Cara in the front line