Please read this thoroughly!
Lineup #: 90
Meet time: Must be in formation by 12:30
Meeting location: Phillips Ave East (between Wisconsin Ave and Michigan St)
Attire: Dress for the cold (and snow!) - Beanie hat, parade sweatshirt OR studio winter jacket, black leggings, poodle socks, white sneakers
Dance (for Judges' Number): Morrison's Jig (song will be cut so it's just the fast part at the end, starting from the music fade into our claps!)
A few more things:
Please RSVP for the parade here! This will ensure that we can choreograph and place our participants in the dance with ease
Please refer to the Google Doc for all St. Patrick's Day season show info
Don't know Morrison's Jig? Don't fear! Ms Amanda or Miss Molly will be there to help you out
See you Saturday 🍀
@Everyone here's the map for tomorrow regarding where to meet! (You probably saw this in the email from Elyse too 🍀)